Monday, December 17, 2012

Everybody, Meet Everybody

A series of unfortunate events has brought you all to this post. :) (I've read none of those books, remember liking the movie though!) I'll spare you the details and get right to the meaty bits.

We're all here because we want Milwaukee to be more "socially connected." Language is funny because we're all thinking different things when we read "socially connected." Could be:

  • Thoughts of Twitter and Facebook
  • Thoughts of YouTube (me!)
  • Thoughts of more meetups and social gatherings
  • Thoughts of Milwaukee having a stronger social media presence online
  • Thoughts of engaging public art projects
  • Thoughts of bridging the socioeconomic gaps
  • etc.
Whatever you thought, it was correct. Now we need to meld all these thoughts into a unified set of "core values" and a "noble cause" (or vision) for this "tribe" (terms I've borrowed from the book "Tribal Leadership" | [free audio]).

Recent interest in the City of Milwaukee Facbeook and Twitter accounts is why I'm writing this post. Leveraging the deep wisdom and knowledge of the book Tribal Leadership, in combination with all of our own personal experiences, passions and insights with community building (on and off the web) give us unlimited possibilities to the positive changes we can make to the city (going far beyond merely sharing the management of two social media accounts).

We could deeply impact the city (and I'm sure many of you already have).

Here is what I propose the next steps are (and we take them slowly):
  1. Get to know each other (make sure we're all on the same "wave length.")
  2. Come up with "core values" to operate under.
  3. Discover our "noble cause"
  4. Plan and execute
I recommend keeping the group relatively small while the initial steps are taking place. Everyone should also read Tribal Leadership (or reread it!)

That's what I think anyway. How about you guys (and gal ;) )?

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